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Project title
"Compositional   design   of    the   Pb-free   double   perovskite   as   a   promising   luminescence    material"

"Incandescent  light  bulbs  lit  the  20th  century;  the 21st century will be lit by LED  lamps."

The purpose of the project

The rising star of an enormous interest of the academic community is halide perovskites, CsPbCl(Br,I)3, which are widely investigated due to their outstanding characteristics. There is a need of finding new elements that can replace Pb in the crystal structure owing to its toxicity, as even a low concentration of lead causes environmental hazards and is harmful to human health as potential carcinogen. Moreover, the European Union has already restricted the use of toxic and heavy metals. Halide double perovskites (A2BIBIIIX6) (HDPs), sharing a similar crystal structure with a pair of nontoxic heterovalent metal cations replacing two toxic lead cations, are promising alternatives. Considering this, the goal of the project is to investigate the optoelectronic properties of the synthesized rare-earth HDPs, and find the possibility of their tuning relying on the connection between composition-structure-properties.

Description of the project

The main goal of the project is to obtain stable more effective lead-free HDP material using the approach of composition engineering and different methods of synthesis to get photoluminescent (PL) materials to produce effective white light emitting diodes (WLEDs).

Reasons for undertaking this research topic

The successful implementation of this project, because of its interdisciplinary base (chemistry, physics, computer calculations), will result in gaining deep fundamental knowledge about new perovskite materials in different forms, like nanocrystals, powders, bulk materials. Comprehensive analysis of the high number of the experimental data of HDPs, which now are a very hot topic of material sciences, may offer a further advance in properties of these materials, for LED (WLED) production. LEDs are used as a light source in home light bulbs, traffic lights, smartphone, laptop screens, or monitors. They offer a tremendous opportunity for innovation in lighting form, because they are better in color richness, contrast, and power consumption, which makes them worth the higher investment cost.

The most important expected effects

The stable lead-free HDP material will be obtained and WLEDs will be produced, which can be used in multifunctional lighting. The results of our project will be published in highly ranked journals to inform the international scientific community about our conclusions. We are going to take part in international conferences, workshops and seminars, where we will share the obtained knowledge with other scientists and PhD students.

A statement on the source of funding

This research project No. 2022/47/P/ST5/01816 accepted for funding in the “POLONEZ BIS 3” call announced by the National Science Centre.

Project location

Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, mentored by Prof. K. Matras-Postolek.

Duration time

Starts on 2023-10-01 and ends on 2025-09-30.


Meet the Team



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